Season: 2022

U13 Hoggets v U13 Odiham


Scorecard: U13 Hoggets v U13 Odiham – 24.08.22 The Hoggets were a couple of players short so Odiham very kindly lent them 2 players (one who is a Hogget anyway!).  We decided that we would play 30 overs a side regardless and that ‘out’ batsmen could come back in again – hence the scorecard shows

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U13 Hoggets v U13 St Cross


Unfortunately we had one day of rain during the Hogget season and it was the day we were to play the U13 St Cross team.  St Cross were 4 short and the Hoggets had 15 players so we had the perfect amount for a game.  We started and then the rain came down.